- XCODE 5, IOS 7 -
I want to make an instruction manual for my application 7 280 x 342 size with pictures in which 7 dots with UIPEz control are given below. I want the user to swipe right and navigate through the pictures I have made, showing the user how my game plays.
I am searching for hours and can not get anything, I tried to ask in advance here, but I did not receive much help.
If someone can direct me in the tutorial which tells how to do this, or write down the code and show me so much I appreciate it very much.
- (Zero) setupPagingScrollView {UIScrollView * scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0,0,280,342)]; [Self adseubew: Scrollview]; [ScrollView Set Delegate: self] [scrollView setPagingEnabled: Yes]; Control = [[UIPageControl alloc] initWithFrame: yourPagingButtonsFrame]; [Control Settlement page: [Image map count]]; [Add self add] control:; } - (zero) scrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView *) inScrollView {UIPageControl * control; Int current page = inScrollView.contentOffset.x / inScrollView.bounds.size.width; [Control set current page: current page]; }
You must create a scrollview with paging enabled (this is what you will add to your images). So you need to create a UIPageControl when the ScrollWall Scroll (or when scrolling scrolling ends, your choice is right) you change the page number of the UIC control on the basis of scroll position.
You can also set up a representative of the UIPAZ Control so that you can listen to the tab button by clicking on it and adjusting your scrollview accordingly, but I can only report it Use as display, not to receive user input
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