android - The constructor ArrayAdapter<String> is undefined - super() marked -

I am a little helpless this time.

I have a code

  list of public class adapter & lt; String & gt; Extension of array adapter & lt; String & gt; {Personal Final Reference Reference; Private Final Ink Text ViewResourceId; Private fin int [] itemResourceIds; Private Final Arrestist & lt; String & gt; List; Public ListViewAdapter (REFERENCES, int textViewResourceId, int [] itemResourceIds, ArrayList & lt; String & gt; list) {super (context, text ViewResourceId, itemResourceIds, list); This.context = context; This.textViewResourceId = textViewResourceId; This.itemResourceIds = itemResourceIds; This.list = list; } @ Override public view getView (view the status of int, viewviewparent ViewGroup) {// some code ...}}  

but the eclipse marks the super (...) line And I do not know why.

It tells me:

  Creator Ara adapter & lt; String & gt; (Context, integer, int [], arreite & lt; string & gt;)  

But did I not define it properly?

Please help me here

When you use Super, you have to call one of the parent class defined constructors

ArrayAdapter, as you can see, there are available constructor: ArrayAdapter (rEFERENCES, int Resources) ArrayAdapter (rEFERENCES, int resource, int textViewResourceId) ArrayAdapter (rEFERENCES, int resource, string [] Objects) ArrayAdapter (reference reference, int resource, int textViewResourceId, string [] objects) ArrayAdapter ( REFERENCES, int Resource List & lt; String & gt; objects) Arra YAdapter (REFERENCES, Int resources, Int text Wuarssorsaidi List & lt; T & gt;

If you one of them must call

and you are calling

super (context, text view report Aiaraidi, Aitiarsosaiaidiais list); that ArrayAdapter (context, int, Int [], Arrayist) and do not exist.

Instead of an array of int, itemResourceIds wants to be an integer Hey

How to fix it depends on the content of the item Resources [];

It think:

  ArrayAdapter (REFERENCES, Int resources, Int text Wuarssorsaidi, List & lt; String & gt; objects)  

An XML layout receives the ID of the file, and then the ID of a text field.

And this

  ArrayAdapter (reference references, int resource, list & lt; T & gt; objects)  

only id Receives XML file

Maybe you just want to call

  super (context, mdrsosource id [0], textusource source id, list);  

or just

  super (reference, item processing IIS [0], list);  

But it depends on what the content of itemResourceIds is actually

If you are implementing the entire adapter, So you do not really care about what ID you are sending to parents, so that you can call it

  super (context, 0, list);  

Because no one is in the class to use it

Anyway, if you are ready to implement everything to yourself, code> BaseAdapter instead of ArrayAdaper to expand because Besadetr does not require any parameter in the constructor, and maybe you do not need any functionality Araadaptr.
