delphi - The difference between {} and //? -

What to add to both {} and // Are on the shape?

Sorry for the silly question, but whenever I try and google "{} // Delphi" I get links from Delphi Dot and Wikipedia for random information.

There are three ways to add comments to the Delphi source file:

  {Multi Line Comment} (* Another Multi-Line Comment *) // Single Row Comment  

The comment of a single row ends at the end of the line Other comments have their own end.

There is no real difference but some people reserve a comment style (temporarily) to comment out the code. Because you can not make a single type of nest, but you can hunt for a variety of nests.

Trivia, (* *) comment is included to support (actual) old keyboard which was not {and} not. You can also use [] for [].
