php - How to tell SonarQube to use PSR2 standard with CodeSniffer -

I would like to create a quality profile in sonrakub which extends the PSR2 rules. When I create this using this XML, Sonar shows me the following error:

Unable to import unknown PhpCodeSniffer rule 'PSR2', consider adding extension in sonar extenions directory < / P>

& Lt; / Rules & gt; & Lt ;! - Include pierce comment standards - & gt; & Lt; Regulation Ref = "Pair.Edit. Inline Comment" / & gt; & Lt; / Rule-set & gt;

I have installed Sonard 3.7.4 using POR plugin and PHP_CodeSyiffer using pear. CodeSniffer came with the following standards:

  $ phpcs -i installed coding standard MySource, Pear, PHPCS, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz and Zend  

Am Am I missing some configuration in Sonar? 2.2 I support PSR-2. What should I do to be able to create a quality profile?

In addition, plugin version 2.0,

Dependency on external devices has been removed: ie PHPDepend, PHPCodeSniffer, PHPMD, PHPUnit.

This work with sonar-3.7 and above.
