ios - Insert the sin,tan and cos in the brain.h -

I will only post my operation code which was in me. H

This is what I am currently and yes, it was a coursework, but I think I am the only person who does not have a Java background in the classroom and the class went very fast I can understand all and when I am stuck I can only ask around.

  - Cloning to perform (double): (NSString *) operation {double result = 0; If ([Operation istosthrusting: @ "+"]) {Results = [Self Setupland] + [Self Setupland]; } And if ([Operation Accolovestring: @ "-"]) {Double subtrage = [self set offland]; Result = [self set offland] - subtraction; } And if ([Operation excelstustring: @ "*"]) {Results = [Self Setupland] * [Self Setupland]; } And if ([Operation is EqualToString: @ "/"]) {double separator = [self set offland]; Result = [auto setupand] / separator; } And if ([Operation extola: @ "sin"]) {double sin = sin ([_ operand.text doubleValue]); Results = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% f", sin]; } [Find themselves: result]; Return result; --------------------- I know that code is very easy to insert, but I did not know how to do it and I am very new to it This, please help! Below is the code for my operation and part of the "sin" is wrong but I do not know the correct way to apply it and if ([Operation excelstostring: @ "sin"]) {double sign = sign (_operand.text doubleValue); Result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", sign (1)]; }  

something like that?

  else if ([Operation excelstostring: @ "sin"]) {double sign = sin ([_ operand.text doubleValue]); Result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% f", sign]; }  

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but this code should be compiled and run.
