I am using vb.net and mysqladmin as my database.
I have a problem with my code, and I do not know how to debug it. Please help me ..
My problem occurs when I click on the button while updating the error button "Command text property has not started properly."
This code is: cmdupdate handle
dim intDB_ID_Selected integer 'personal sub cmdupdate_Click (ByVal as System.Object, byVal e System.EventArgs). Click then MessageBox.Show ("Do you want to update this record?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) vbYes = Then the Sleeping SqlCommand New MySqlCommand (& amp; user_info " Set name = '' & amp; txtname.Text.Trim & amp; "', & amp; _ address =' & amp; txtaddress.Text.Trim & amp;; & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; & amp; = '' & Amp; txtage.Text.Trim & amp; "',' & amp; _" Where ID = '"& amp;; SQL) Load 1 () MSBBX ("Record successfully updated.", MSBBO xStyle.Information) End End Sub `cmd with Public Sub-execCmd (as ByVal PstrSQL String) .CommandText = PstrSQL .ExecuteNonQuery () End Sub
In the error line
.ExecuteNonQuery ()
I'm starting in this language, so please help me Im begging you guys !!
What is the cmd and it started? Oh, try to use more parameterized queries. Before you come into habit, better.
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