vb.net - The CommandText property has not been properly initialized -

I am using vb.net and mysqladmin as my database.

I have a problem with my code, and I do not know how to debug it. Please help me ..

My problem occurs when I click on the button while updating the error button "Command text property has not started properly."

This code is: cmdupdate handle

  dim intDB_ID_Selected integer 'personal sub cmdupdate_Click (ByVal as System.Object, byVal e System.EventArgs). Click then MessageBox.Show ("Do you want to update this record?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) vbYes = Then the Sleeping SqlCommand New MySqlCommand (& amp; user_info " Set name = '' & amp; txtname.Text.Trim & amp; "', & amp; _ address =' ​​& amp; txtaddress.Text.Trim & amp;; & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; & amp; = '' & Amp; txtage.Text.Trim & amp; "',' & amp; _" Where ID = '"& amp;; SQL) Load 1 () MSBBX ("Record successfully updated.", MSBBO xStyle.Information) End End Sub `cmd with Public Sub-execCmd (as ByVal PstrSQL String) .CommandText = PstrSQL .ExecuteNonQuery () End Sub 

In the error line

.ExecuteNonQuery ()

I'm starting in this language, so please help me Im begging you guys !!

"itemprop =" text ">

What is the cmd and it started?

Oh, try to use more parameterized queries. Before you come into habit, better.
