I want to display some of the properties of an object in AdvancedDataGrid. How can I do that? I want to declare DataGridColumn and want to bind it to the related property of an object. I have an Arrayulation that contains many resolution objects.
If I do not declare the column and provide that array to the datagrid dataset, then it shows all the columns, but I do not want to all.
When I declare the column and I bind the data object, the dataprid shows the data in the related properties of that object. Please do I need to bind it?
Below is my datagroup:
& lt; mx: Unntdetagrid id = "resolutionDG" x = "10" y = "85" width = "1153" height = "300" Detapradata = "{filtered resolution Report}" Stnbudgm = "600" color = "black" & Gt; & Lt; Mx: column & gt; & Lt; mx: Unntdetagrid column width = "200" Hadertakst = "event ID" Detafild = "{(reported as VO.resolutionReportArrayCollection) .getItemAt (0) as resolutionVO) .incidentId}" editable = "false" / & gt ; & Lt; mx: Unntdetagrid column width = "200" Hadertakst = "priority" Detafild = "{(reported as VO.resolutionReportArrayCollection) .getItemAt (0) as resolutionVO) Kpratikriya}" editable = "true" /> & Lt; mx: Unntdetagrid column width = "200" Hadertakst = "SLM position" Detafild = "{(Report Report as Viokrisusnarereclyusn) .getItemAt (0) Resolution VO as) .SLMstatus}" / & gt; & Lt; mx: Unntdetagrid column width = "200" Hadertakst = "Submit Date" Detafild = "{(VO report. In the report as Snshodnarecolusn) resolutionVO as .getItemAt (0)) .submitDate}" / & gt; & Lt; mx: Unntdetagrid column width = "200" Hadertakst = "Event updated date" Detafild = "{(Report Report as Viokrisusnarereclyusn) .getItemAt (0) resolutionVO as) .incidentResolvedDate}" / & gt; & Lt; / Mx: column & gt; & Lt; / Mx: AdvancedDataGrid & gt;
And the action script is part:
[bindable] Public Works report vio: ReportVO; [BinDable] Public Boss Resolutions Report: Array Collection; [BinDable] Public Way Resolution: OO: Resolution VO; [BinDable] Public Ver filtered resolution report: Array Collection; Public Function Results Handler (Event: Result Event): Zero {resolutionReport = reportVO.resolutionReport; // filtered resolution report = report VO.resolutionReport; }
and classes are:
1) ReportVO.as
[bindable] [remote class (aka = "com.adobe .sla.valueObject.ReportVO ")] Public Sector ReportVO {Personal var _resolutionReport: ArrayCollection; Private var_responseReport: ArrayCollection; Public Events ReportVO () {} Get Public Function Feedback Report (): Array Collection {Return _responseReport; } Public Function Set Feedback Report (Value: Array Compilation): Zero {_responseReport = value; } Get the resolution of the public function Report (): array compilation {return _resolutionReport; } Public Function Set Resolution Report (Value: ArrayCollection): Zero {_resolutionReport = value; }}
2) ResolutionVO.as
[bindable] [remote class (alias = "com.adobe.sla.valueObject.ResolutionVO")] public Square resolution VO {private var _assignedGroup: String; Private var_incidentId: string; Private var _priority: string; Private work _SLMstatus: string; Public function resolutionVO () {} get public function SLMstatus (): string {return _SLMstatus; } Public function set SLMstatus (value: string): zero {_SLMstatus = value; } Get public function preference (): string {return_property; } Public function set preference (value: string): zero {_priority = value; } Public function matching rectangle (): string {return_incidentId; } Event of public function set IID (value: string): zero {_incidentId = value; } Group assigned to public function (): string {return_group group; } Public function set group (value: string): zero {_assignedGroup = value; }}
Hi, you can declare your array combination as DATEVERVER And this update will keep.
In the Arro Array Collection [Bindabal] in
[Bindabal] Arracklication griddata;
& lt; Mx: AdvancedDataGrid DataApride = {grid Data} & gt; & Lt; Mx: column & gt; & Lt; Mx: EnhancedDataGrid columnDateFilld = "albums" /> & Lt; Mx: EnhancedDataGrid columnDateFilld = "value" /> & Lt; / Mx: column & gt; & Lt; / Mx: AdvancedDataGrid & gt;
be helpful to
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