google compute engine - exporting files from GCE to my local machine -

What is a reverse command for gccil push , basically what I want to do, A copy of this is my Pyro files on my local machine, so I am exploring a way to export files in my local machine without using GIT or any other source control tool from my Google Compute Engine instance.

Yes, there is a gasket bridge here help Ail is:

  local: ~ Icon Drag $ gccil help command line tool to interact with Google Compute Engine. Please see for more information about using gccil. Use: Gatika [- Global_flag] & lt; Command & gt; [--command_flags] Drag [arg] Drag one or more files from VM Instance. Usage: Drag Gachet [- Global_flag] [--command_flags] & lt; Example-name & gt; & Lt; File-1 & gt; ... & lt; File-n & gt; & Lt; Destination & gt; Flags for the bridge: gcutil_lib.instance_cmds: --ssh_arg: Additional logic to go to the SSH; Repeat this option to specify a list of values ​​(default: '[]') --ssh_key_push_wait_time: Number of seconds to wait for the project-wide ssh key to cascade the examples present in the project ( Default: '120') (an integer) --ssh_port: TCP port to connect (Default: '22') (An integer) - Zone: [Required] Zone for this request. Gflags: --flagfile: Enter flag definitions in the command line from the given file. (Default: '') - Falcon: A comma-separated list of flag names, which is OK to specify on the command line, even if the program does not define a flag with that name. Important: There are flags in this list which are necessary to use the --flag = value format in arguments. (Default: '') Run 'gcutil --help' to get help for the global flag. Run 'Gaktil Aid' to see the list of available orders.  
