ruby - Rails routes - scope regex or redirection -


A wild controversy appears while integrating my project with a third party project.


When they are using

  http: / My_app / users / search (plural) This model is used for 19 different routes spread through 4 models, so I really do not want to duplicate each. Just for routes to support other projects.  

Is there any way to use the reggae or redirect on scraps to avoid duplication of the code?

I currently have:

  ... scope 'users' get the 'ID' scope of 'search' 'ping' is the end of the end. I was hoping for something like:  
  ... scope 'user (s)?' Get 'search' scope 'id' get 'mill' ping '& end  


  scope' user ': redirect ( 'User')  

  scope ':' pattern ', barriers: { Pattern: / User (s)?}} ... End  
