ios - MKMapView memory issues in ios7 sdk -

I have MKMapView in a View Controller and when I start zooming in it, so much memory is used and when I leave the scene in MACPview not released in MacPiview (I am using ARC in my app)

Edit :

I have read some stack overflow answers that I have to put MKMapView in AppDelegate:

  - (MKMapView *) map View {if (_mapView == zero) {_mapView = [[MKMapView alloc] init]; } Return _map view; }  

and are visible in the view in the view. Controller in which MKMapView is placed

  - View the view (zero) View Size: (BOOL) Animated {[Super Viewable size: animated]; XAppDelegate.mapView.delegate = Zero; [Deleting XAppDelegate.mapViewProvisionView]; }  

But this does not solve my problem.

A. I have seen common faults, MKOverlay MKOverlayView / MKOverlayRender is holding a strong reference to and MKMapView . Contains a strong context for MKOverlay examples with MKMapView , because it causes a stationary cycle.
