show boundaries only in google maps -

Using Google Maps API V3, is it possible to show only state boundaries and nothing else?

I tried to use google.maps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType and close all the features but I still want it.

Even with Map Type = Road, you can still see the geographic information.

How do I get a simple border map without just showing anything else?

This style is trying to use an object, hopefully you want it. There are many sites that allow you to customize your style using a GUI. ["Feature Type": "Water", "Stylers": [{"Visibility": "Closed"}}}, {"FeatureType": "Scenario", "Stylers": [{"Feature": "Closed"} {"Feature type": "transit", "styling": "{{" feature "}:" "," styler ":" [POI "]," stylers ": [{" visibility ":" off "}}}," {{"" "" " "{{" Visibility: ":" off "}}}, {" feature type ":" administrative "," stylers ": {" feature type ": {" feature type " ":" "," stylers ": [{" Visibility ":" on "}]}, {" featureType ":" Administrative number "," element type ":" label. "", "Stylers": ["Visibility": "on"}], {"Visibility": "Styles": ["Visibility": "Closed"}]}, {"Feature type": "administrative.province" FeatureType ":" administrative.province "," elementType ":" labels.text "," stylers ": [{" visibility ":" off "}]}]
