jquery - Is it possible to call a web service from GLOBAL.ASAX and store the 'data' json structure in a "global" struct variable? -
We get the page one. Create a net page that makes 5 AJAX calls (like the one below) and bit to minimize it, we want to transfer some of these calls to Global.ASAC. Is it possible to call from application_start event? In addition, how can I store the "data" structure in the "global" variable, so that I can loop through the data JSON structure to populate the dropdown box "jqStatusID" below?
First of all, jQuery is a client-side technology, and thus can not be used on the server side. Secondly, why its own Make an AJAX request on the server? You can access the data directly and cache it.
If you want to request in Application_Start
Detailed data In this situation, you should use the session and not.
If you want to make a parallel call, you can see using server-side async calls, which That it would be better for you to describe the situation
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