I tried to send only 5 calls to fetch tasks from Asana API. Here is my code
$ tasks = $ client- & gt; Obtain ('https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/workspaces.json'); Print_r ($ functions); $ I = =; While (isset ($ function ['result'] ['data'] [$ i] ['id'])) {$ tasks_detail = $ client- & gt; Obtain ('https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/workspaces/'.tasks['result'[[data'[[[$$ ]['id'].'.json'); Print_r ($ tasks_detail); While (isset ($ tasks_detail ['result'] ['data'] [$ i] ['id'])) {$ tasks_details = $ client-> Receive ('https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/tasks/'.$tasks_detail['result'[[data'[[[$$ ]['id'].'.json'); Print_r ($ tasks_details); $ I ++; }
I used only 2 while
loop to fetch tasks from the API, after which the API did not respond to the call.
Consider this situation:
$ jobs ['result '] [' Data '] [$ I] [' id ']
exists and
$ work_date [' result '] [' data '] [$ I] [' id ']
does not exist.
Since $ I will never be a big loop; Consider this situation:
$ work ['result'] ['data'] [1] ['id']
exists and ['Data'] [1] ['id'] $ work_date ['result'] ['data'] [2] ['id'] $ work_digitation ['result'] ['data'] [ 3] ['id']
is present.
The next loop will access you
$ work ['result'] ['data'] [4] ['id']
direct and lost
$ work ['result'] ['data'] [2] ['id'] $ work ['result'] ['data'] [ 3] ['id']
You may want to do something like this:
while (isset ($ work ['result'] ['data'] [$ i] ['id'] )) {$ Tasks_detail = $ client- & gt; Obtain ('https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/workspaces/'.$tasks [' Result '] [' Data '] [$ i] [' id '].' Json '). Print_r ($ tasks_detail); If (isset ($ tasks_detail ['result'] ['data'] [$ i] ['id'])) {$ tasks_details = $ client- & gt; Receive ('https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/tasks/'.$tasks_detail['result'[[data'[[[$$ ]['id'].'.json'); Print_r ($ tasks_details); } $ I ++; }
Please be careful to end the loop, when you use while loop.
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